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Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials

Bar Ilan's Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA) is a dynamic and growing scientific community. At BINA, a renowned research staff – including a large number of young faculty members recruited from abroad – educate Israel's next generation of nanoscience professionals.

Find out what's going on
Bar Ilan's Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials (BINA)
Meet BINA team-Ms. Hefetz-Giterman Lior Whats New?
Recently, I joined BINA's Characterization Unit, focusing on preparing biological samples for…
Spectroscopic Reflectometer Scientific Instrument
Contacts: Dr. Yossi Abulafia, yossi.abulafia@biu.ac.il   Model…
Quantum Research Fields
Quantum physics studies matter and energy at the most fundamental level,…
Academic Staff

Our neuroengineering research focuses on developing advanced acoustical and optical neuroimaging methods to understand the brain's neural circuitry and fundamental mechanisms. These methods have significant potential in brain-computer interfaces and clinical studies. We combine cutting-edge Electrical Engineering and Neuroimaging techniques, including single photon sensing, superconductive sensing, machine learning, FPGA design, nanoelectronics, biomedical sensing, and neuroimaging.