Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS)
Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS)
- The nondestructive and multielemental analysis technique
- Elemental composition (stoichiometry) without a standard (1 - 5% accuracy)
- Elemental depth profiles with a depth resolution of 2 - 10 nanometers and a maximum depth of 2 - 20 microns
- Surface impurities and impurity distribution in depth (sensitivity up to the sub-ppm range)
- Elemental areal density and thus thickness (or density) of thin films if the film density (or thickness) is known
- Diffusion depth profiles between interfaces up to a few microns below the surface
- Channeling-RBS is used to determine the lattice location of impurities and defect distribution depth profile in single crystalline samples
Fixed ion detector at 169° for Rutherford backscattering spectrometry RBS

Last Updated Date : 04/04/2024