What's New - Coming Soon
BINA is proud to partner with JEOL, the leading manufacturer of electron microscopes, as a Beta site for their next-generation equipment. Three state-of-the-art electron microscopes will be added to the Characterization Unit MIXA, offering advanced research capabilities across various fields.
The first, JEM-F200 Field Emission Gun TEM, Currently in advanced stages of installation, delivers exceptional spatial resolution, analytical performance, and an intuitive operation system. Its design emphasizes versatility and environmental efficiency, supporting a broad range of applications.
The "NEOARM" / JEM-ARM200F features JEOL’s Cold Field Emission Gun (Cold FEG) and advanced aberration correction technology, enabling atomic-resolution imaging at both high and low voltages. Enhanced contrast for light elements is achieved through a novel STEM imaging technique (e-ABF), making it ideal for studying light-element materials.
The JEM-1400Flash caters to diverse research areas, including biology, nanotechnology, and materials science. Equipped with a high-sensitivity sCMOS camera, ultra-wide area montage system, and optical microscope image linkage, it simplifies workflows and provides high-throughput imaging for detailed structural analysis.
Additionally, the Equipment Center will introduce the SIGMA 360 VP HR SEM (Zeiss), further expanding the capabilities of BINA’s electron microscopy facilities.
Those cutting-edge equipment's renewal positions BINA at the forefront of scientific exploration and innovation.
Keep updated 😊
Last Updated Date : 15/01/2025