What's New
🎭 Purim Through the Lens of Nanotechnology
🎭 Purim Through the Lens of NanotechnologyAt BINA, we decided to bring Purim to the micro-scale—literally! This festive mask was created using a NanoScribe 3D printer, with an astonishing micron-level resolution.
🎙️ Exciting News! 🎙️
🎙️ Exciting News! 🎙️We are thrilled to announce that Professor David Zeitoun’s podcast "The Sensor That Turns Waste into Bio-Gas" is now live! 🌱
Welcome to BINA, Dr. Liel Sapir!
Welcome to BINA, Dr. Liel Sapir!Meet our new researcher at the Bar Ilan Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced materials (BINA), Bar Ilan University - Dr. Liel Sapir
Using theory and computer simulations, Liel's research explores how polymers behave and function, shedding light on their crucial roles in various applications.
Innovation in Chip Development Elbit - BINA
Innovation in Chip Development Elbit - BINAExploring New Horizons in Chip Technology and Silicon Photonics 👩💻
🎉 Happy New Year from BINA! 🌟
🎉 Happy New Year from BINA! 🌟As we welcome the new year, we reflect on a year of incredible achievements
Happy Hanukkah
Happy Hanukkah✨ Happy Hanukkah from the Bar Ilan Institute for Nanotechnology and Advanced materials (BINA), Bar Ilan University! ✨
Characterization Unit, MIXA - Advanced Preparation of Biological Samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy
Characterization Unit, MIXA - Advanced Preparation of Biological Samples for Transmission Electron MicroscopyWe specialize in high-precision preparation of biological samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy, offering a range of advanced techniques tailored to reveal specific sample details:
Prof. Moti Fridman was interviewed on the science program "Three Who Know" on Kan
Prof. Moti Fridman was interviewed on the science program "Three Who Know" on KanProf. Moti Fridman from the Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials and the Faculty of Engineering was interviewed on the science program "Three Who Know" on Kan.
Characterization Unit, MIXA - Advanced Preparation of Biological Samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy
Characterization Unit, MIXA - Advanced Preparation of Biological Samples for Transmission Electron MicroscopyWe specialize in high-precision preparation of biological samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy, offering a range of advanced techniques tailored to reveal specific sample details:
Exciting News!
Exciting News!🚀 Exciting News! Introducing the High Energy Light Ion Microprobe for Ion Beam Research on the Tandem Accelerator 🎉
Meet the JEOL F200 Transmission Electron Microscope
Meet the JEOL F200 Transmission Electron MicroscopeExciting times ahead at BINA! 🚀
It may look a bit messy now, but once it's fully installed, it's going to be a beauty—meet the JEOL F200 Transmission Electron Microscope! -
Welcome back BINA's alumni Lihi Musbat
Welcome back BINA's alumni Lihi MusbatWe are excited to welcome back BINA's alumni Lihi Musbat 🎉
Lihi will join our Fabrication unit as a Process Engineer.
Big News from BINA
Big News from BINA📢 Big News from The Institute of Nanotechnology & Advanced Materials at Bar-Ilan University! 📢
Meet BINA team-Ms. Hefetz-Giterman Lior
Meet BINA team-Ms. Hefetz-Giterman LiorRecently, I joined BINA's Characterization Unit, focusing on preparing biological samples for TEM & SEM. This new field has proven to be far more complex, challenging, and fascinating than I had ever anticipated