Characterization Unit, MIXA - Advanced Preparation of Biological Samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy

We specialize in high-precision preparation of biological samples for Transmission Electron Microscopy, offering a range of advanced techniques tailored to reveal specific sample details:
- Embedding in EPON Resin and Sectioning for TEM: Provides stable, detailed sample imaging.
- Negative Staining: Enhances contrast for visualizing fine structures.
- Frozen Sections & Immuno-Gold Labeling: Ideal for high-resolution antibody labeling.
- High-Pressure Freezing: Preserves cellular structures in near-native states.
- Freeze Substitution: Ensures minimal structural distortion.
- Focused Ion Beam (FIB) "Slice and View" (S&V): Allows 3D imaging of entire cells, providing comprehensive structural insights.
Last Updated Date : 28/11/2024