HR-SEM Sigma

Contacts: Dr. Yuila Vestrfid,


Model: HR-SEM SIGMA 360 VP

Manufacture: Zeiss


The Zeiss Sigma 360 VP field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM) features GEMINI® electron optics, delivering high-resolution imaging with exceptional depth of field. Utilizing advanced field emission technology, it generates a finely focused electron beam in a high vacuum, ensuring superior image quality compared to conventional SEMs with tungsten cathodes. This results in higher electron density and precise beam focusing, achieving single-digit nanometer resolution. When the electron beam interacts with the sample surface, the resulting signals provide valuable insights into surface properties. The system supports secondary and backscattered electron imaging, enabling a range of contrast modes for detailed topographical and fracture surface analysis. One key advantage of the Sigma 360 VP is its variable pressure (VP) capability, which allows imaging of non-conductive samples without requiring gold or graphite coating. This makes it ideal for a wide range of materials, including biological specimens, polymers, and geological samples. With the ability to operate at low voltages (down to 1 kV), it provides high-resolution imaging with improved contrast, minimizing damage to sensitive samples. Additionally, best-in-class EDS geometry enables faster and more precise elemental analysis, making the Sigma 360 VP a powerful tool for advanced research and quality control applications.

Resolution: 0.9 nm (15kV)

                          2 nm (500 V)



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Last Updated Date : 10/03/2025