סטודנטים שלנו בחדשות

אביבהגאים בסטודנטים שלנו!

דר' אביבה אליהו, רופאת ילדים
וגנטיקאית העושה בימים אלו דוקטורט במעבדה של דר' ניצן גונן זכתה במלגת עזריאלי לדוקטורנטים מצטיינים.





אלישבעגאים בסטודנטים שלנו!

אלישבע אברבוק,
 העושה בימים אלו דוקטורט במעבדה של דר' ניצן גונן זכתה במלגת Prof. Rahamimoff Travel Grant for Young Scientists of the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF).





גאים בסטודנטים שלנו!נחמה

מזל טוב לנחמה קלטר על זכייתה בפרס הרקטור לסטודנטים מצטיינים.

We are proud to announce that our student, Nechama Kalter, has received the Outstanding Award from the University Rector.
This honor recognizes Nechama Kalter for his academic excellence.
Say congrats!





nujstyraגאים בסטודנטים שלנו!

מזל טוב למוחמד אטרש על זכייתו בפרס הרקטור לסטודנטים מצטיינים.

We are proud to announce that our student, Mohammad Atrash, has received the Outstanding Award from the University Rector.
This honor recognizes Mohammad
Atrash for his academic excellence.

Say congrats!






גילגאים בסטודנטים שלנו!

מזל טוב לגיל ברגמן על זכייתו בפרס הרקטור לסטודנטים מצטיינים.

We are proud to announce that our student, Gil Bergman, has received the Outstanding Award from the University Rector.
This honor recognizes Gil Bergman for his academic excellence.

Say congrats!




דפנהגאים בסטודנטים שלנו!

מזל טוב לדפנה לבנברג על זכייתה בפרס הרקטור לסטודנטים מצטיינים.

We are proud to announce that our student, Dafna Levenberg, has received the Outstanding Award from the University Rector.
This honor recognizes
Dafna Levenberg for his academic excellence.

Say congrats!




עידןגאים בסטודנטים שלנו!

מזל טוב לעידן קציר על זכייתו בפרס הרקטור לסטודנטים מצטיינים.

We are proud to announce that our student, Idan Katzir, has received the Outstanding Award from the University Rector.
This honor recognizes
Idan Katzir for his academic excellence.

Say congrats!





Proud of our graduates!ענת

Dr. Anat Yitzhak, who completed her doctorate in the field of new materials for solar cells in the Department of Chemistry, has been awarded a prestigious Marie Curie postdoctoral fellowship from the European Union. Anat will conduct her postdoctoral research at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in Denmark, with the aim of developing environmentally friendly materials for generating electricity from solar energy.

During and after her doctorate, Anat worked at the Nano Institute in the Electron Microscopy Unit, where she skillfully and professionally operated the high-resolution electron microscope.

Anat, we are proud of you and look forward to your return to Israel.




Exciting breakthrough! 

Researchers Abu Salha Belal & Gedanken Aharon from Chemistry Department and Institute of Nanotechnology unveiled a revolutionary method forבלאל preserving strawberries. Using sound waves in a process called sonication, they've developed a nano-particle coating from chitosan, a natural biopolymer with antibacterial properties. This innovative and eco-friendly approach not only simplifies the application process but also significantly extends the shelf life of strawberries.

The significance of Belal work was published in leading Hebrew Arab and English newspapers.












تطوير جديد في جامعة بار-ايلان يسمح بالحفاظ على الفواكه والخضار لمدة أطول

كنوز نت - التقنية، التي طورها طالب الدكتوراه بلال ابو صالحة، في قسم الكيمياء ومعهد النانو-تكنولوجيا في جامعة بار-ايلان


mohamadThe groundbreaking research conducted by Mohammad Hamouda, a doctoral student affiliated with the Department of Chemistry and the Institute of Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials in Bar Ilan University, has resulted in the development of advanced optical sensing detectors. Working under the supervision of Prof. Adi Salomon, Hamouda's detectors exhibit the remarkable ability to detect drug derivatives even at minimal concentrations in water.
The significance of Hamouda's work was published in leading Arab newspapers in Israel, PANET &  KUL AL ARAB.

طالب الدكتوراة في جامعة بار-إيلان محمد حمودة يُطور حلولًا لمشكلة تلوثات مياه الشرب kul-alarab.com

PANET | تطوير جديد في جامعة بار-إيلان يمكن من تحديد بقايا الملوثات الدوائية ومواد ملوثة اخرى في المياه