
הקלינטק הינו תחום מחקר המתפתח במהירות וכולל מגוון רחב של מוצרים, שירותים, ותהליכים, אשר מיועדים לספק ביצועים טובים לפחות כמו הטכנולוגיות הנוכחיות אבל עם השפעה ידידותית על הסביבה והגברת הבר-קיימא. חוקרי BINA בננו-קלינטק הינם מובילי ידע בפיתוח חומרים ושיטות מתקדמות בתחום הייצור של אנרגיה חלופית, שינוי אקלים, זיהום מים ו"כימיה ירוקה", המהווים את הליבה למגוון רחב של שיתופי פעולה תעשייתיים מבטיחים.

  • פיתוח גישות חדשות לפירוק ביו-פילמים מזיקים
  • אלקטרודות פחמן מיקרו-נקבוביות דו-שכבתיות להתפלת מים
  • לכידה והפרדה של פחמן דו-חמצני ממי האוקיינוס
  • דלקים מבוססי פחמן
  • חומרים מרובים המרכיבים תאים סולריים
  • למידת מכונה
  • חיישנים מבוססי פלזמונים לזיהוי זיהומים במים


  • What are the true horizons for Lithium-Ion Batteries that can promote and advance the electro-mobility revolution in the 21-st century?

    We develop the most energetic, high capacity cathodes for Li ion batteries, most suitable for use in electric vehicles. We focus on developments and modifications by cation (Al3+, Zr4+, Mo4+) and anion (F-) doping and surface coatings (Al2O3, AlF3, ZrO2) of materials for positive electrodes (cathodes) of two promising families of lithiated transition metals oxides: Li & Mn-rich xLi2MnO3·(1−x) Li[NiaCobMnc]O2 (x<1, a+b+c=1) and Ni-rich LiNixCoyMn1-x-yO2 (x→1) materials respectively. Our group has extensively worked on the above issues during the last 8 years, aiming at understanding:

    A.  How does the surface modification of Li & Mn-rich compounds can change the activation process during charging?

    B.  Capacity and voltage fading during cycling and stabilization mechanisms of the above important cathode materials.

    Intrinsic properties of Ni-rich materials, like poor electronic conductivity, thermodynamic instability in charged state etc.

  • פרופ' אהוד בנין

    ראש מכון

    פרופ' אהוד בנין

    ראש מכון

    The Biofilm Research Laboratory

    TEM micrographs of S. aureus (cyan) treated with the synthesized nano-particles (yellow). The nano particles target bacteria and mark them for destruction.

    • Bacterial biofilms
    • Nanoparticles with anti-biofilm properties
    • Bacterial virulence
    • Bio-ethanol production

  • Multinary Material Systems for Energy and Sustainability

    The lab of Hannah-Noa Barad focuses on investigation of multinary (many element) materials that are used for the formation of sustainable fuels and energy. The multinary materials are used as catalysts to form clean sustainable fuels and in photovoltaics. For example, some of the reactions we investigate lead to the formation of H2 (e.g., by water splitting) to be used as an energy source, or carbon-based fuels like CH3CH2OH (e.g., by CO2 reduction). The methods we employ in the lab include machine learning techniques to for rational design and prediction new multinary materials and combinatorial synthesis approaches to fabricate large area libraries of multinary materials with compositional and morphological gradients. The material libraries’ physical, electrical, and chemical properties are then studied using a myriad of different techniques, all of which are built for high-throughput measurements and analysis. All the data we gather in stored in a very large database in the lab. The multinary compounds of interest that we discover are studied in-depth to investigate their working mechanisms and what drives their activity to form clean fuels. The combination of rational design and combinatorial science leads to rapid breakthroughs and state-of-the-art material systems, which will outperform currently used materials and bring about faster and more advanced solutions to the climate crisis.

  • Nanochemistry

    Ultrafine and Stable Fluorescent N@C-dots: A-0h; B-24h

    Developing new methods (sonochemistry, microwave dielectric heating, sonoelectrochemistry, and RAPET) for the fabrication of nano materials.
    • Developing nano materials for various applications

  • Biomaterials and Advanced Materials group

    Research in my group has been focused on revealing and explaining the fundamental interactions that underlie inorganic material formation in nature, a process known as biomineralization. We particularly make use of our expertise in solid-state NMR spectroscopy to analyze the rudimentary processes of biogenic material formation in atomic/molecular level. Unveiling the structure/activity relations in these specialized biomolecules involved in regulation of solid biomaterial formation has been particularly elusive. Using these findings, we develop new biomaterials for hard tissue applications based on rationale guidelines. We implement NMR characterization in materials research to understand interfaces between nanomaterials at great detail and employ molecular insights to design concept materials that are more environment friendly.

  • The current research focuses on the investigation of the chemical synthesis of materials to promote renewable and green energies

    Synthetic design of Pt nanoparticles in carbon nanotubes resistant to corrosion in extreme conditions

    • Photovoltaics and energy storage (batteries and capacitors)
    • Inorganic synthesis of semi-conductors, metals and oxides
    • Magnetic properties of materials
    • Nanostructures: from individual nanoparticles to functional materials

  • Synthesis of 1D & 2D nanostructures


    Sample of nanomaterials synthesized in the Nessim lab.


    • Synthesis of carbon nanotubes and understanding of growth mechanisms
    • Synthesis of 2D nanocarbons (graphene, GO, rGO)
    • Synthesis of 2D metal / sulfidesphosphides - selenides
    • Application of synthesized nanostructures to batteries, supercapacitors, fuel cells, heterojunctions, sensors

  • Light-matter interaction at the nanoscale

    Large-scale nonporous metallic network is belong to a unique class of light materials with photocatalytic and optical properties which we develop in my lab.


    The overall goal of my laboratory is to develop, fabricate and to use plasmonic systems as a ‘photonic environment’, or even as a ‘photonic catalyst’. In general, we aim at opening new routes for photochemical processes/reactions on surfaces by controlling the electromagnetic-field properties at the metal surface, that is, to do, 'chemistry with plasmons'.