ד"ר גל רודובסקי


    דר' גל רודובסקי הינו בעל נסיון רב במדעי החומרים והפיזיקה. הוא מתמחה באפיון ננו-חומרים באמצעות טכניקות מיקרוסקופיה אלקטרונית ואחראי על מכשיר ה-HRTEM ביחידת האיפיוןMIXA.  

    1. S.H. Akella, S. Blanga, M. Zysler, G. Radovsky, and M. Noked, The Role of Zinc Triflate Additive for Improved Electrochemical Performance of Nickel-Rich Layered Oxide Lithium Battery Cathode via Suppression of Interfacial Parasitic Reactions, Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 171 050519, 2024
    2. G. Radovsky, T. Shalev and A. Ismach, "Tuning the morphology and chemical composition of MoS2 nanostructures", j. Mater. Sci. ,54, 7768-7779, 2019.
    3. L. Lajaunie, G. Radovsky, R. Tenne, R. Arenal, "Quaternary Chalcogenide-Based Misfit Nanotubes LnS(Se)-TaS(Se)2 (Ln = La, Ce, Nd, and Ho): Synthesis and Atomic Structural Studies", Inorg. Chem, 57, 747-753, 2018.
    4.  M. Staiger, V. Basic, R. Gillen, G. Radovsky, K. Gartsman, R. Tenne, T. Heine, J. Maultzsch, and C. Thomsen, "Raman spectroscopy of intercalated and misfit layer nanotubes", Phys. Rev. B, 94, 035430, 2016.
    5. G. Radovsky, R. Popovitz-Biro, T. Lorenz, J.-O. Joswig, G. Seifert, L. Houben, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski, and R. Tenne, "Tubular Structures from the LnS-TaS2 (Ln=La, Ce, Nd, Ho, Er) and LaSe-TaSe2 Misfit Layered Compounds",  J. Mat. Chem. C,  4, 89-98, 2016.
    6.  L. S. Panchakarla, G. Radovsky, L. Houben, R. Popovitz-Biro, R. E. Dunin-Borkowski and R. Tenne, "Nanotubes from Misfit Layered Compounds: A New Family of Materials with Low Dimensionality",  J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 5, 3724−3736, 2014.
    7.  G. Radovsky, R. Popovitz-Biro, and Reshef Tenne, "Nanotubes from the Misfit Layered Compounds MS-TaS2, where M= Pb, Sn, Sb or Bi: Synthesis and Study of their Structure", Chem. Mater., 26, 3757-3770, 2014.
    8.  G. Radovsky, R. Popovitz-Biro, D. G. Stroppa, L. Houben and R. Tenne, "Nanotubes from Chalcogenide Misfit Compounds: Sn-S and Nb-Pb-S", Acc. Chem. Res., 47, 406-416, 2014.
    9. M. Staiger, P. Rafailov, K. Gartsman, H. Telg, M. Krause, G. Radovsky, A. Zak and C. Thomsen, "Excitonic Resonances in WS2 Nanotubes", Phys. Rev. B, 86, 165423, 2012.
    10. G. Radovsky, R. Popovitz-Biro and R.Tenne, "Study of Tubular Structures of the Misfit Layered Compound SnS2/SnS", Chem. Mater., 24, 3004-3015, 2012.
    11. G. Radovsky, R. Popovitz-Biro, M. Staiger, K. Gartsman, C. Thomsen, T. Lorenz, G. Seifert and R.Tenne, "Synthesis of Copious Amounts of SnS2 and SnS2/SnS Ordered Supertructure Nanotubes", Angew. Chem, Intl. Ed., 50, 12316-12320, 2011.
    12. G.  Radovsky,  Z.  Dashevsky, V.  Kasiyan,  M.  Auslender,  S.  Hava, "Polycrystalline PbSe on a Polyimide Substrate",  J. Alloys Comp., 501, 6-13, 2010.

    תאריך עדכון אחרון : 01/01/2025