HR-SEM Sigma 360 VP
- Field Emission Gun
- High resolution imaging with low currents and low KV without sample bias.
- No restrictions for imaging of magnetic samples.
- Specimen chamber: 365 mm inner diameter and 275 mm height for large specimens.
- 10 chamber ports, including coplanar EDS and EBSD ports for simultaneous analyses, as well as WDS port.
- 5-axes motorized Cartesian specimen stage with simulated eucentric movement. X, Y = 125 mm, Z: 50mm, T= -10° to + 90°, R = 360° continuous
- Airlock 80mm - accepts samples up to 80 mm in diameter.
- Large Frame store – up to 32k x 24k imaging resolution without stitching.
- Drift Corrected Frame Averaging and Integration.
- Navigation Camera – Airlock mounted for easy sample navigation via sample photo.
- Transfer shuttle – allows to transfer samples in vacuum or in an inert atmosphere. Version for large samples of 10mm height with metal lid.
- Following detectors are included:
- High efficiency annular true on-axis In-lens SE1 detector.
- SE2 – Next Generation high sensitivity Everhart-Thornley SE detector in the chamber.
- High Definition low KV BSD Detector.
- aSTEM – In-situ adjustable annular STEM detector.
- VPSE – SE Detector for the Variable Pressure mode.
- 60mm EDS, Bruker.